Monday, February 9, 2009

Classic Cars Blog

I enjoyed reading this blog because it is about one of my favorite subjects, classic cars. This blog has stories about classic cars, techniques for working on cars, and pictures of finished show cars. The blog seems to be updated almost daily. I especially enjoyed the acricle about Jay Leno going to visit the 1954 Jaguar XK 120 that a neighbor owned when he was a child. Leno, who is an automobile enthusiast (he owns over 150 automobiles and motorcycles) says that this car is what ignited his passion for automobiles.

A-Rod Admits Using Performance Enhancing Drugs

This article covers the A-Rod performance-enhancing drug scandal. On Monday he admitted using performance enhancing drugs from 2001-2003, after Sports Illustrated reported that he tested positive for steroids in 2003.

I feel that this is rediculous. A-Rod is the highest paid and supposedly the best player in the MLB. Although I am not an A-Rod fan, he is a role model to other baseball players of all ages. By using illegal performance enhancing drugs, A-Rod is showing young players that it is alright to break the rules and the law to obtain an advantage over the competition. This makes the entire MLB look bad, because their most famous player is a cheater.